Please contact any service to confirm hours before visiting in person.
Organization / Program Name(s)
Located In
Description (Brief)
Contact Brant, Brantford - Colborne St, Children's and Developmental Services
The first place to contact to access community services for children and youth with developmental and special needs, including Autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) This organization will ...
Easter Seals Ontario
Provides programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities across Ontario to help them achieve greater independence, accessibility, and integration * assistance with the cost of ...
Jason's Wheelhouse
High sensory needs recreation centre offering workshops, support, and education . Space and programming fully monitored by certified direct care support staff. Day respite services available Spaces a ...
Kalyana Support Systems, Brantford - Colborne St W, Gregory School for Exceptional Learning (The)
A school for students with learning disabilities, communications disorders, and attention difficulties The school offers both a regular day school program using the teaching methodologies of Direct I ...
Lansdowne Children's Centre, Brantford - Mt Pleasant St
A children's treatment centre for children with physical, communication and/or developmental needs providing a range of rehab, respite and recreation supports Services offered include: * autism servi ...
Lansdowne Children's Centre, Brantford - Mt Pleasant St, Recreational Programs - Every Kid Counts
Program provides children and youth with special needs an equal opportunity to participate in local recreational programs of their choice. Each child/youth is matched with a Support Worker who provid ...
Sensitive Santa
Brant County
This special visit with Santa is reserved for children who require a sensory-friendly environment * bring a camera to take a photo with Santa * space is limited