Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Brantford Police Service, Brantford - Mailing Address, Text with 911Brantford T9-1-1 is a service that enables individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) to communicate with 9-1-1 operators via text message (SMS) during an emergency
Canadian Hearing Services, Mailing Address, Virtual ServicesBrantford Supports for people who are  Deaf and hard of hearing Sign Language Interpreting Services Interpreting Services facilitate clear two-way communication between Deaf and hearing people through sig ...
Canadian Hearing Services, Mailing Address, General Support Services and Hearing Care CounsellingBrantford General Support Services: Guidance, advocacy, support and counselling to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals who need assistance managing everyday life events such as completing government forms, na ...
HearingLife, Simcoe - West St, Hearing Healthcare ServicesSimcoe Self-referred diagnostic audiology and hearing aid service Services include: Hearing Aids * hearing tests for adults and children * hearing aid services (repairs, battery sales, etc) * assistive list ...
HearingLife, Dunnville - Lock St W, Hearing Healthcare ServicesDunnville Self-referred diagnostic audiology and hearing aid service Services include: Hearing Aids * hearing tests for adults and children * hearing aid services (repairs, battery sales, etc.) * assistive lis ...
HearingLife, Hagersville - Parkview Rd, Hearing Healthcare ServicesHagersville Self-referred diagnostic audiology and hearing aid service Services include: Hearing Aids * hearing tests for adults and children * hearing aid services (repairs, battery sales, etc.) * assistive lis ...
HearingLife, Port Dover - Hwy 6, Hearing Healthcare ServicesPort Dover Self-referred diagnostic audiology and hearing aid service Services include: Hearing Aids * hearing tests for adults and children * hearing aid services (repairs, battery sales, etc.) * assistive lis ...
Ontario Provincial Police, Brant County Detachment, Text with 911Paris T9-1-1 is a new service that enables individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) to communicate with 9-1-1 operators via text message (SMS) during an emergency.
Ontario Provincial Police, Haldimand County Detachment, Text with 911Cayuga T9-1-1 is a service that enables individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) to communicate with 9-1-1 operators via text message (SMS) during an emergency
Ontario Provincial Police, Norfolk County Detachment, Text with 911Simcoe T9-1-1 is a service that enables individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) to communicate with 9-1-1 operators via text message (SMS) during an emergency