Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Brant Soil and Crop Improvement AssociationBrant County Association answers questions from landowners about soil, crops, and test soil * involved in conservation management * sponsors environmental farm plans - research on soils and crops ...
Brant-Norfolk Jersey ClubBrant County Nonprofit group that promotes the Jersey breed to new breeders and provides services to established breeders
Burford Agricultural Society, Burford Fall FairBurford Annual Fall Fair hosted by the Burford Agricultural Society and includes: food, rides, competitions, live entertainment, etc
Grain Farmers of Ontario, Wellandport - Mailing Address, District 6 RepresentationHaldimand County Represent corn, soy bean and wheat producers at the provincial level
Haldimand Cattlemen's AssociationHaldimand County Local cattle producers voice to Beef Farmers of Ontario
Haldimand Federation of AgricultureDunnville To assist local farmers in such areas as direct lobby to government and private sector, legal services affecting farm members and members' benefits * local federation promotes the activities and prog ...
Haldimand Norfolk Christian Farmers AssociationCayuga District association of the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario * group focuses on issues affecting Ontario agriculture and rural communities * based on Christian principles ...
Haldimand Soil and Crop Improvement AssociationHaldimand County Association answers questions from landowners about soil, crops, and test soil * involved in conservation management * sponsors environmental farm plans - research on soils and crops ...
Langford ConservancyCainsville A service group operating the Langford Schoolhouse as a community centre. Dedicated to revitalizing the local farming community, preserving farmland and creating a welcoming and inclusive community w ...
Norfolk 4-H AssociationNorfolk County 4-H youth and screened volunteer leaders come together to have fun and learn about selected topics (club projects) through hands-on activities and mentorship    Cloverbuds gives members a t ...
Norfolk Cattlemen's AssociationSimcoe Information resource regarding beef cattle
Norfolk Soil and Crop Improvement AssociationNorfolk County Association answers questions from landowners about soil, crops, and test soil * involved in conservation management * sponsors environmental farm plans - research on soils and crops ...
Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Regional ContactHaldimand County A farmer-led organization that advocates for a sustainable farming and food sector. Governed by a Board of Directors.
Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Haldimand County, Haldimand Federation of AgricultureHaldimand County Lobby group that represents farmers' concerns to all levels of government
Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant County, Brant County Federation of AgricultureBrant County Lobby group that represents farmers' concerns to all levels of government
Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Norfolk County, Norfolk Federation of AgricultureNorfolk County Local federation promoting the activities and programs of the Ontario Federation to farmers in Norfolk, which is done through regular meetings and seminars * promote to the urban dweller, the current ...
Ontario Pork - Brant, Haldimand & NorfolkNorfolk County The link between provincial marketing boards * educates the general public
Paris Agricultural SocietyParis A non-profit organization promoting agriculture and rural life and hosting various events, workshops, and educational programs * Paris Fair - annual event held over the Labour Day weekend, is a major ...