Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Agriculture Wellness OntarioOntario Mental Health education, counselling services and enhanced community support to rural and agricultural communities * Farmers Wellness Initiative - free counselling services, mental health support and ...
Canadian Mental Health Association - Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk, Brantford - King St, Brant Branch OfficeBrantford Organization promotes community-based services responsible to the needs of those with mental health concerns, their family members, and the general community Services offered include: * Alternative A ...
Canadian Mental Health Association - Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk, Simcoe - Queensway W, Haldimand-Norfolk OfficeSimcoe Organization promotes community-based services responsible to the needs of those with mental health concerns, their family members, and the general community Services offered include: * Community Sup ...
Canadian Mental Health Association - Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk, Virtual Group, Families Caring, Families SharingBrantford Ongoing support group for families dealing with mental health issues * facilitated by family members who face the same challenges * provides families with coping strategies and provides a support net ...
Haldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek PkwyTownsend Provides a comprehensive collection of programs and supports through the following service units: * Child and Youth Mental Health Services (therapy, groups, crisis and outreach services) * Autism and ...
South Coast Wellness Addiction and Mental Health, Simcoe - Victoria St, Agency Head OfficeSimcoe Agency head office Services include: * Peer Support Program (Resources for Hope program) * Addiction Program - assessment and outpatient counselling for people of all ages experiencing issues with al ...
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Brantford Satellite OfficeBrantford Programs directed to children and adolescents experiencing social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. These age-specific programs include office-based individual and family counselling, group th ...
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Counselling and Therapy ServicesBrantford Counselling services aim to support children/youth and their families by: * addressing identified needs and challenges * strengthening awareness and understanding of the challenges and why they might ...
Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Family and Caregiver Skills Building and SupportBrantford Skill-building and support services enable the family, including siblings, parents and/or guardians to better address a child or youth's mental health issues by changing attitudes and behaviours, pro ...