Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
AgePro, Senior ServicesBrantford Housekeeping * whole house cleaning * some hoarding cleaning available - with assessment Senior services * respite * Alzheimer's care * overnight assistance * meal preparation * showering/toilet ...
Bayshore Home Health, Brantford - Park Rd N, Home Health ServicesBrantford Supports for older adults, adults with disabilities, children and children with disabilities. helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible Services include: Personal Car ...
Branches of LifeBrantford Personalized home care Services include: * personal care * errand services * respite care * appointment escorting * recreational outings * housekeeping * laundry * palliative care * compassionate car ...
Brantwood Community Services, Brantford - Bell Lane, Inn on Strawberry Hill (Overnight Respite Services) and Community Connections (Day Respite Services)Brantford Respite services * one to one community involvement, daytime, evening, overnight, weekend, extended stays (Inn on Strawberry Hill) * emergency respite, based on availability and application * out-of- ...
Community Living Brant, Brantford - Dalhousie St, PassportsBrant County Fee-for-service supports for those who have received Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services (MCCSS) Passport Funding Supports that can be purchased: * community involvement - participa ...
Haldimand-Norfolk Community Senior Support Services, Dunnville - Lock St W, Dunnville Service OfficeDunnville Supports for older adults, and adults with disabilities: * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referrals made to other community services Group meals and soci ...
Home Instead Senior Care, Brantford - St Paul Ave, Senior Care, Attendant Care, PSW SupportBrantford Provides non-medical care for seniors and others in need to help them remain safe and comfortable in their own homes Services include: * companionship * home helper * personal care * Alzheimer's and ...
Inclusions Developmental ServicesCaledonia Developmental services agency providing community and home-based services Services offered: * day program - weekday program with an after-school extension. Participants learn life skills, engage in c ...
Lansdowne Children's Centre, Brantford - Mt Pleasant StBrantford A children's treatment centre for children with physical, communication and/or developmental needs providing a range of rehab, respite and recreation supports Services offered include: * autism servi ...
Lansdowne Children's Centre, Brantford - Mt Pleasant St, Autism Services - Autism Spectrum Disorder RespiteBrantford Program offers families an opportunity for a break by providing a support worker to work with the child/youth in the home, in the community or to access the recreation programs. It can also be used t ...
Lansdowne Children's Centre, Brantford - Mt Pleasant St, Respite Programs - In Home RespiteBrantford Program offers families an opportunity for a break by providing a support worker to work with the child/youth in the home, in the community or to access recreation programs
ParaMed Home Health Care, Brantford - West St, Home Care ServicesBrantford In-home health care services including nursing and personal support * services provided by nurses and personal support workers * Alzheimer's care * senior companionship * personal care * palliative c ...
Victoria EldercareNorfolk County Eldercare services include: * 24 Hour Care - care planning, scheduling and management * Alzheimer's care - caregivers focusing on brain exercises, physical exercise & conversation * personal care ...
VON Brantford Haldimand, Brantford - Grey St, Brantford OfficeBrantford Supports for older adults, and adults with disabilities * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referral to other community services In-home health care service ...
VON Brantford Haldimand, Simcoe - Robinson St, Respite ServicesSimcoe Relief for caregivers of adults with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias - community support workers help with the activities of daily living in the client's home * health monitoring * homemaki ...