Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Bonavista Medical CentreBrantford Medical Clinic offering: * primary care * echocardiography * Holter monitor * cardiac event recorder for measuring heart activity * on-site blood services ...
Brantford Commons Medical Centre, Brantford - King George Rd, Medical ClinicBrantford Medical Clinic Services offered: * family medicine * lab tests (urine dip, urine pregnancy test, rapid strep test) * women's health (prenatal and postnatal care) * immunization * minor procedures * p ...
Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Centre, Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Centre - BrantParis Primary services include: * physiotherapy * chiropractic care * registered massage therapists * counselling - Registered Social Workers * counselling - Registered Psychotherapists * occupational ther ...
Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Centre, Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab Centre - BurfordBurford Primary services include: * physiotherapy * chiropractic care * registered massage therapists * counselling - Registered Social Workers * counselling - Registered Psychotherapists * occupational ther ...
Haldimand Family Health Team, Caledonia - Argyle St N, Caledonia Medical ClinicCaledonia The health team includes: * Nurse Practitioners * Registered Nurses * Counsellors/Social Workers * Dietitians * Kinesiologist * Certified Respiratory Educators who work collaboratively with our affil ...
Haldimand Family Health Team, Dunnville - Lock St W, Dunnville Medical ClinicDunnville The health team includes: * Nurse Practitioners * Registered Nurses * Counsellors/Social Workers * Dietitians * Kinesiologist * Certified Respiratory Educators who work collaboratively with our affil ...
Haldimand Family Health Team, Hagersville - Parkview Rd, Hagersville Medical ClinicHagersville The health team includes: * Nurse Practitioners * Registered Nurses * Counsellors/Social Workers * Dietitians * Kinesiologist * Certified Respiratory Educators who work collaboratively with our affil ...
Norfolk Family Health Team, Delhi - Main St, Medical Care TeamDelhi Medical care team focused on family and community health * coordinates patient care in order to assess and treat injuries or illness * team includes family doctors, pediatrician, nurse practitioners, ...
Norfolk Family Health Team, Port Rowan - Bay St, Medical Care TeamPort Rowan Medical care team focused on family and community health * coordinates patient care in order to assess and treat injuries or illness * team includes family doctors, pediatrician, nurse practitioners, ...
Ontario Health Clinics - Brantford FHO, Brantford - Colborne St EBrantford Family medical practice consisting of family doctors Services offered within the clinic: * primary care clinics * chronic disease management clinics * well baby clinic * nursing clinic * nurse practi ...
PrimaCare Community Family Health Team, St George - Sunnyside Dr, St George Location - St George Medical CentreSt George Medical care team focused on family and community health * coordinates patient care in order to assess and treat injuries or illness Team includes: * family doctors * nurses * nurse practitioner(s) * ...
PrimaCare Community Family Health Team, Paris - Curtis Ave N, Paris Location - Cowan Community Health HubParis Primary health care team that brings together different health care providers to coordinate patient care * includes family physicians working collaboratively with nurse practitioners, registered nurs ...
Six Nations of the Grand River., Ohsweken - 1745 Chiefswood Rd, Department of Well-Being - Family Health TeamOhsweken Team of healers and Onkwehón:we utilizing Western and alternative medicine to effectively nurture health and wellness Services offered:  * primary care/family physician servicces * nurse ...