Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Essential PhysiotherapyBrantford Physiotherapy clinic offering: * musculoskeletal and orthopedic physiotherapy * sports physiotherapy * treatment of bladder and bowel problems * pre and post-natal care for mothers * treatment of pel ...
Grand Erie Public Health - Brantford, Brantford - Terrace Hill St, Public Health ProgramsBrantford Public Health Unit * immunization and screening for communicable diseases * health education programs * family and child health * child development * prenatal and parenting programs * dental health * ...
Grand Erie Public Health - Haldimand-Norfolk, Caledonia - Haddington St, Caledonia OfficeCaledonia Health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living * immunization and screening for communicable diseases * health education programs * family and child health * sexual hea ...
Grand Erie Public Health - Haldimand-Norfolk, Dunnville - Forest St E, Dunnville OfficeDunnville Health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living * immunization and screening for communicable diseases * health education programs * family and child health * dental hea ...
Grand Erie Public Health - Haldimand-Norfolk, Simcoe - Robinson St, Simcoe OfficeSimcoe Health agency that addresses public health issues and promotes healthy living * immunization and screening for communicable diseases * health education programs * family and child health * dental hea ...
Haldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Early Childhood Intervention Programs - Community Action Program for ChildrenTownsend Programs and services that support the health and development of children from prenatal to 6 years of age and their families Young Parents Program - a program for adolescents up to age 24 who are pre ...
Six Nations of the Grand River., Hagersville - Second Line, Department of Well-Being - Healthy Babies/Healthy ChildrenHagersville Support for pregnant mothers, parents, guardians, and families with young children up to the age of six Services include * pre/postnatal home visits - home visitors can offer developmental screens, p ...
Why Not City Missions, Brantford - Mailing Address, Supportive Housing for Young Parents (SHYP)Brantford Housing program for young parents aged 16-25 Services include: * prenatal and parenting classes and support * advice from a registered nurse at the weekly well-baby clinic * self-care and mental well ...