Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Avenue Pharmacy, Brantford - Brant AveBrantford General pharmacy    * free delivery of prescription medication   * blood pressure monitoring   * cardiovascular information  * women's health information    Medicat ...
Brantford Life Care PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * blood pressure meter information * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * free delivery for prescriptions Medications Return Program -  Safe disposal of ...
Brantford Medical PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery of prescriptions * basic home health care supplies * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring Medications Return Program ...
CENPRO PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * medication placed in pill organizers (containers for stor ...
Colborne PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * basic home health supplies   * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * fall flu immunization clinics   * blood pressure monitoring   * free deli ...
Fairview Remedy's Rx Pharmacy, Brantford - 403 Fairview DrBrantford General pharmacy     * free delivery for prescriptions  * senior discounts  * blood pressure monitoring  * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations  * ...
Guardian Discount PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * free prescription medication delivery * delivery of non prescription medication for a fee * methadone dispensing * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * bloo ...
Hauser's Dover ApothecaryPort Dover General pharmacy * free delivery for prescription medications * senior discount on prescription medications * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * ...
Hauser's Pharmacy, Dunnville - Broad St EDunnville General pharmacy     * free delivery for prescriptions  * 20% senior discount twice per month  * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations  * blood pressure ...
Hope Pharmacy SimcoeSimcoe General pharmacy * addiction services: methadone maintenance therapy, suboxone * free delivery for prescriptions * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate ...
IDA Pharmacy, Cayuga - Talbot St E, Cayuga PharmacyCayuga General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * 10% senior discount on Tue * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure testing * basic home health supplies * me ...
IDA Pharmacy, Hagersville - Main St S, Cavanagh ApothecaryHagersville General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discounts * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * basic home health supplies * medicatio ...
IDA Pharmacy, Jarvis - Main St N, Cavanagh PharmacyJarvis General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discount * basic home health supplies Medications Return Program - Safe disposal of expired or unused medications, creams, and inhalers Med ...
Medicine Shoppe (The) Pharmacy, St George - Main St SBrant County General pharmacy * basic home health care supplies * medication placed in pill organizers (containers for storing scheduled doses) * delivery of prescriptions * medication placed in blister packs (se ...
Medicine Shoppe (The) Pharmacy, Caledonia - Argyle St NCaledonia General pharmacy     * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost  * free delivery for prescriptions within Caledonia&n ...
Northville PharmacyParis General pharmacy     * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost  * basic compounding  * pharmacist available for ...
PharmaChoice, Simcoe - Norfolk St S, Roulston's PharmacySimcoe General pharmacy * basic home health supplies * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * fall flu immunization clinics * blood pressure monitoring * free delivery for prescription ...
PharmaChoice, Delhi - King St, Roulston's PharmacyDelhi General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * seniors discount day 10% every Thu * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * basic home health su ...
PharmaChoice, Port Dover - Main St, Roulston's PharmacyPort Dover General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions within Port Dover * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * medication placed in blister packs (sea ...
PharmaChoice, Simcoe - Donly Dr N, Roulston's PharmacySimcoe Compounding pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * 10% senior discount day (first Thu of the month) * basic home health supplies * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * b ...
Pharmasave, Brantford - Colborne St, Smith Drugs and ApothecaryBrantford General pharmacy * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * city-wide delivery for prescriptions at a cost * ostomy care products * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, pus ...
Pharmasave, Ohsweken - Chiefswood RdOhsweken General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure testing * basic home health supplies * medication placed in blister pa ...
Pharmasave, Dunnville - Broad St W, Grand River PharmacyDunnville General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions within Dunnville * senior 15% discount on over the counter items daily * compression hosery * pharmacist available for diabetes managment consulatio ...
Pharmasave, Hagersville - Main St NHagersville General pharmacy * delivery of prescriptions for a fee * medication placed in pill organizers (containers for storing scheduled doses) at no extra cost * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, p ...
Pharmasave, Simcoe - West StSimcoe General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discount of 10% on over-the-counter items daily * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * ...
Pharmasave, Simcoe - Norfolk St S, Clark'sSimcoe General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discount on over the counter items everyday * pharmacist available for diabetes management consulations * blood pressure monitoring Medicat ...
Real Canadian Superstore - Loblaw Pharmacy, Simcoe - Queensway Dr ESimcoe General pharmacy   * free delivery within Simcoe * pharmacy waives $2 ODB copays * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring   * medication plac ...
Remedy'sRx Pharmacy, Brantford - 222 Fairview Dr, NorthviewBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discounts * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * methadone dispensing * home health car ...
Rest Acres PharmacyParis General pharmacy * free local delivery * prescription filling while you wait * Mobile Refill App : PharmAdvise * compliance packaging * methadone and suboxone dispensing * med checks consultations * ...
Rexall, Brantford - St Paul Ave, Bartle's PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * free delivery for prescriptions within city limits * extensive home health supplies (equipm ...
Rexall, Paris - Grand River St N, Pharma PlusParis General pharmacy * blood pressure kiosk and screening * specialty compounding * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescrip ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Brantford - Stanley StBrantford General pharmacy * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescriptions * blood pressure monitoring * basic home health supplies * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultation ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Brantford - West StBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * fall flu immunization clinics * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost Medica ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Brantford - Colborne StBrantford General pharmacy * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescriptions * blood pressure monitoring * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * free dosette box filling ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Brantford - North Park PlazaBrantford General pharmacy * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescriptions * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost Medica ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Brantford - King George RdBrantford General pharmacy * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescriptions * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost Medica ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Brantford - Lynden Park MallBrantford General pharmacy * blood pressure monitoring * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescriptions * medication placed in blis ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Caledonia - Argyle StCaledonia General pharmacy * fall flu immunization clinics * delivery for prescriptions * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost * health in ...
Shoppers Drug Mart, Simcoe - Norfolk StSimcoe General pharmacy * fall flu immunization clinics * free delivery for prescriptions * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost Medica ...
Terrace Hill PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * compounding * free delivery for prescriptions * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood glucose monitoring training * compression hosiery & braces (c ...
University PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * free city-wide delivery for prescriptions * senior discount 10% on over the counter products & $2 on co-pay * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood ...
Walker's No Frills PharmacyBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * $2 fee waived for seniors and low income * blood pressure monitoring * medication placed in pill organizers (containers for storing scheduled does ...
Walmart Pharmacy, Brantford - King George RdBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * blood pressure monitoring * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * basic home health supplies * medication placed in blister ...
Willaert PharmacyPort Dover General pharmacy * vaccinations (shingles) * free delivery for prescriptions * methadone dispensing * senior discount * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure mon ...
Wincare Drug MartBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery of prescriptions * senior discounts * blood pressure monitoring * medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no ext ...
Zehrs Loblaw Pharmacy, Brantford - Fairview DrBrantford General pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discounts * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * dietitian on site * blood pressure monitoring * gluten-free produc ...
Zehrs Loblaw Pharmacy, Brantford - King George RdBrantford General pharmacy services * free delivery of prescriptions * senior discounts * fall immunization clinics * pharmacist available for minor ailment consultations * blood pressure monitoring * medicati ...
Zehrs Loblaw Pharmacy, Caledonia - Argyle St SCaledonia Compounding pharmacy * free delivery for prescriptions * senior discounts * pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations * blood pressure monitoring * risk assessments (diabetes, cardio ...