Please contact any service to confirm hours before visiting in person.
Organization / Program Name(s)
Located In
Description (Brief)
Arthritis Society Canada, Burlington, Hamilton & Niagara Region Office, Community Support
Education, programs and support to people living with arthritis * website provides detailed information to help support those with arthritis, including how to find a doctor, accessing medications, le ...
Brant Community Healthcare System, Brantford - Terrace Hill St, Diabetes Education Centre
Supports for people living with prediabetes, diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes * provide one-on-one or group consultations * assist with blood glucose management, medications, healthy eating ...
Grand River Community Health Centre, Brantford - Colborne St, Caring for My COPD
A community-based pulmonary rehab program to assist individuals to better manage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program consists of: * weekly education and exercise sessions (10 weeks) ...
Ontario Health Clinics - Brantford FHO, Brantford - Colborne St E
Family medical practice consisting of family doctors Services offered within the clinic: * primary care clinics * chronic disease management clinics * well baby clinic * nursing clinic * nurse practi ...