Please contact any service to confirm hours before visiting in person.
Organization / Program Name(s)
Located In
Description (Brief)
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health Care Connect
Toronto Downtown Central
Ontarians can receive assistance finding a family physician or nurse practitioner accepting new patients through the phone service (not available over chat) Register for Health Care Connect and a nurs ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Health811
Toronto Downtown Central
Free, secure and confidential service Ontarians can access by calling, chatting online or visiting the service's website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through the service, Ontarians can receive h ...
Paris Medical Center, Paris - Rest Acres Rd, Family Practice Clinic & Walk-in Clinic
Medical centre and walk-in clinic offering: * family practice * childhood immunizations * flu immunizations * referrals to specialists * health clinic, prenatal care and PAP tests * on-site emergency ...