Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Aboriginal Legal Services, Brantford, Hamilton and Surrounding Areas, Justice Alternative ProgramsBrantford Provides Indigenous-controlled and culturally based justice alternatives * Gladue Reports - preparation of Gladue reports for court proceedings * Gladue Letters - preparation of Gladue letters for co ...
Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA), Brant, Haldimand & Norfolk, Agricultural Worker SupportNorfolk County Advocacy to improve workers' rights * training for local and migrant agricultural workers on Health & Safety and Labour Rights * assistance in obtaining open work permits for vulnerable workers, ...
Autism OntarioToronto Downtown West Provides advocacy and support, public education/awareness and research around autism spectrum disorders (ASD) * support groups may be available at the local level * can now connect virtually (see webs ...
AXIS Family Mediation, Brantford - Ontario Court of Justice, Brantford Court OfficeBrantford Provides court-connected on-site family mediation services, comprehensive off-site and distance family mediation services, information & referral (IRC) services, and Mandatory Information Program ...
AXIS Family Mediation, Cayuga - Superior Court of Justice, Family Court, Cayuga Court OfficeCayuga Provides court-connected on-site family mediation services, comprehensive off-site and distance family mediation services, information & referral (IRC) services, and Mandatory Information Program ...
AXIS Family Mediation, Simcoe - Superior Court of Justice, Family Court, Simcoe Court OfficeSimcoe Provides court-connected on-site family mediation services, comprehensive off-site and distance family mediation services, information & referral (IRC) services, and Mandatory Information Program ...
Brant (County of)., Burford - Park Ave, Burford Administration OfficeBurford Administration office * accounts receivable invoice payments * blue boxes and composters purchase and pick up * Brant Transit punch cards purchase and pick up * building permit submissions - to consu ...
Brant (County of)., Paris - Grand River St N, Paris Customer Service OfficeParis Customer Service Office Main Services include: * accounts receivable invoice payments * blue boxes and composters (pre-arrange pick up of a composter at the Paris location) * Brant Transit punch card ...
Brant Elder Abuse Awareness CommitteeBrantford Committee acts as a public educator on issues related to Elder Abuse as well as a resource facilitator for those choosing to help prevent abuse or rebuild non-abusive lifestyles
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, Brantford - Fairview Dr, Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)Brantford The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is mandated through the Education Act as a standing committee of the board. SEAC members include parents who have a direct say in program and service d ...
Brant Region Indigenous Support Centre - BRISC, Brantford - Colborne StBrantford Indigenous support centre providing advocacy, social, cultural and educational programming Programs include: * Criminal Court Worker - assists offenders to better understand their rights, options, an ...
Brant Region Indigenous Support Centre - BRISC, Brantford - Colborne St, Combined Court Worker ProgramBrantford Helping Indigenous families to navigate through family law proceedings, as well as assisting youth charged with criminal offences under the Youth Criminal Justice Act
Brant Region Indigenous Support Centre - BRISC, Brantford - Colborne St, Criminal Court Worker ProgramBrantford Assisting Indigenous adults charged with a criminal offence to better understand their rights, options and responsibilities when appearing before the court. Helping to navigate the court process ...
Brant Skills Centre, Brantford - Fairview DrBrantford Skills centre providing adults and older youth with literacy and essential skills training (reading, writing, math, digital skills, communication, soft skills) Services include: * one-to-one and/or s ...
Brant-Brantford Crime Stoppers, Brantford - Elgin StBrantford A nonprofit program allowing the public to make anonymous tips regarding a crime. Success is attributed to the combined efforts of the police, media, and community
Brantford (City of)., Brantford - Wellington Square, Provincial Offences Court OfficeBrantford Fine payment centre * delivery of administrative support for Provincial offences * other enforcement duties under provincial statutes and municipal by-laws
Brantford Fire, Brantford - 60 Clarence St, Central ServicesBrantford Fire department - provides fire suppression, fire prevention, public education, emergency medical services and other activities Programs delivered include: * Brant TAPP-C (The Arson Prevention Progra ...
Brantford Fire, Brantford - Clarence St, The Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPP-C)Brantford A program to reduce or eliminate inappropriate fire-setting behaviour through assessments and fire-setting intervention strategies The program is provided in partnership with Woodview Mental Health a ...
Brantford Police Service, Brantford - Elgin St, Administration / StationBrantford Provides policing services for the City of Brantford
Brantford Police Service, Brantford - Elgin St, Buy and Sell Exchange ZoneBrantford A community safety program that consists of two designated parking spots located in the front parking lot of the Brantford Police Service building * safe place for buyers and sellers to arrange to me ...
Brantford Police Service, Brantford - Elgin St, Crime Prevention and SafetyBrantford A collection of crime prevention, safety tips and resource information available on-line (call or visit in person to receive hard copies) including specific links to sections for: * parents - interne ...
Brantford Police Service, Brantford - Elgin St, Internet Safety EducationBrantford Internet safety education is offered through group presentations * community group presentations by the Crime Prevention Officer * school group presentations by the Elementary School Resource Coordin ...
Brantford Public Library, Brantford - Colborne St, Social Services Outreach WorkerBrantford Drop-in social services outreach program Services offered: * community resources (food, clothing, showers, mental health, substance abuse) * computers (wifi, email, virtual court, job searches) * com ...
Brantford Sports CouncilBrantford Council advocates for local sports organizations and promotes sports tourism in the community * promotes the availability and benefit of sports * identifies alternative sources of funding ...
Brant's Response Against Violence Everywhere (BRAVE), Brantford - Mailing AddressBrantford Using a gender-based analysis framework, the committee coordinates the community’s response to gendered violence, domestic violence and sexual violence Informed by an anti-oppressive, equity-se ...
Budokan Karate DojoBrantford Traditional Karate as taught in Okinawa, Japan for the past hundred years * focus is on health and self-defence not fighting * suitable for age 5 years and older and all physicality ...
Canadian Mental Health Association - Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk, Brantford - King St, Brant Branch OfficeBrantford Organization promotes community-based services responsible to the needs of those with mental health concerns, their family members, and the general community Services offered include: * Alternative A ...
CARP, Brantford - Market St S, Brantford Chapter 17Brantford National, non-partisan, nonprofit organization committed to a ‘New Vision of Aging for Canada’ promoting social change that will bring financial security, equitable access to health care ...
Child and Family Services of Grand Erie, Brantford - Chatham St, Brantford OfficeBrantford Nonprofit agency mandated under the provincial legislation of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act * investigate allegations of and complete assessments of where children may be in need of protec ...
Child and Family Services of Grand Erie, Brantford - Henry St, Arthur Binkley Family Resource CentreBrantford Family resource centre staffed with Early Childhood Educators and Social Workers designed to promote and enhance family living and foster independence and health among participants, families, and ind ...
Community Legal Clinic - Brant Haldimand Norfolk, Brantford - Clarence St S, Legal ServicesBrantford Free legal services for low-income people funded by Legal Aid Ontario * advice and representation available through this Nonprofit independent community legal clinic to clients who have issues such a ...
Community Resource and Employment Service, Brantford - Clarence St, Programs and ServicesBrantford Community-based organization dedicated to meeting the essential needs of economically stressed individuals for food and employment * Brantford Food Bank - provides a 3-5 day supply of food. Volunteer ...
Crime Stoppers - Haldimand NorfolkSimcoe Offers people an anonymous, confidential way to get information to investigators without ever having to get involved as a witness. The public is encouraged to call or visit the website with informati ...
De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre, Brantford - King St, Indigenous Patient Navigation ProgramBrantford Assisting Indigenous people on their journey to wellness through individualized support, coordination of service, follow-up care and advocacy, while bridging the gaps within the healthcare system * o ...
Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, Ohsweken - Chiefswood Rd, Main OfficeOhsweken Ganohkwasra provides services to individuals who are being abused, are abusive and/or at risk for abuse. Community Counselling offering the following services: * Women's Program - women's individual ...
Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, Ohsweken - Chiefswood Rd, Community CounsellingOhsweken Counselling services for individuals who are being abused, are abusive and/or at risk for abuse Services offered: * Women's Program - individual and/or group counselling, support advocacy, liaison fo ...
Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, Ohsweken - Chiefswood Rd, Community EducationOhsweken The Community Education Program staff are available to inform the community of the organizations programs and services, the dynamics of family violence and related topics in a culturally sensitive ma ...
Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services, Ohsweken - Chiefswood Rd, Outreach ServicesOhsweken Provides services to individuals who are being abused, are abusive and/or at risk for abuse. Outreach Services available: * Intake - the first person a client will speak to, whether by the Crisis Lin ...
Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford - 349 Erie Ave, Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)Brantford Committee mandated through the Education Act as a standing committee of the board * members include parents who have a direct say in program and service delivery related to Special Education * commit ...
Grand River Community Health Centre, Brantford - Colborne St, Health Centre Programs and ServicesBrantford Health centre focused on individual, family and community health. Health professionals assess and treat non-life-threatening injuries or illnesses. Referrals to other local health services and person ...
Grand River Community Health Centre, Brantford - Colborne St, Identification (ID) Clinic Drop-inBrantford Drop-in identification clinic Help with applications for: * Ontario Health Card * Canadian Provincial/Territory Birth Certificate * Ontario Photo ID
Grand River Community Health Centre, Brantford - Colborne St, Outreach Drop-in ClinicBrantford Outreach Clinic to support individuals who: * do not have a primary care provider and/or health card * use substances * are unhoused or street-involved * have difficulty making and keeping appointmen ...
Grand River Council on Aging, Age-Friendly Community EducationBrantford A registered charitable nonprofit organization with a mission to encourage the development of an age-friendly community by listening to the “voices of lived experience” as expressed in fo ...
Haldimand and Norfolk Women's Services, Simcoe - Mailing AddressSimcoe Women's Services provides shelter, counselling, support, and advocacy for women and children whose lives have been affected by abuse Services include: * STAR Counsellor - available for all students i ...
Haldimand and Norfolk Women's Services, Simcoe - Mailing Address, Family Court Support Worker ProgramSimcoe Family Court Support Worker Program – Facilitates a victim’s understanding of and passage through the family court system. Support provided includes: *  information on the family cou ...
Haldimand Norfolk Community Response NetworkHagersville Network made up of volunteers from many community groups that work toward the prevention of elder abuse Emergency Response Team - committee meets within 24 hours of a potentially abusive situation be ...
Haldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Contact Haldimand-NorfolkTownsend Provides information about community services and access to mental health and developmental services for children and youth; including those with complex/special needs FASD Program provides support t ...
Haldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Early Childhood Intervention Programs - Infant and Child Development ServicesTownsend Infant and Child Development Services offer support to families of infants and young children: * From birth to school entry * With a developmental delay * Who may be at risk of having a developmental ...
Kids Can Fly, Brantford - Mailing Address, Early Child Development and Parenting SupportBrant County A registered charity that supports early child development and parenting * raises money and public awareness about the importance of early learning and parenting Programs include: * Roots of Empathy ...
Landlord's Self Help CentreToronto Community legal clinic and resource centre * information, referrals and summary advice on housing issues from landlord's perspective * educational tools * law reform * rental forms * funded by Legal A ...
Law Society of Ontario, Law Society Referral ServiceToronto Online referral service -- * telephone referrals for those in crisis or without internet access only * referrals made to participating lawyer/paralegal * lawyers/paralegals will ...
Norfolk Community Help CentreFairground Multi-service resource and community centre offering a range of neighbourhood-based social, and educational programs for all ages Programs: * Low German Culture and Interpretation services available ...
Norfolk County, Simcoe Corporate Centre - Robinson Administration Building, Provincial Offences OfficeSimcoe The Provincial Offences Act (POA) is a procedural law for administering and prosecuting provincial offences including those committed under: * Highway Traffic Act (e.g. traffic tickets) * Compulsory ...
Norfolk County Police Services BoardSimcoe A board that determines priorities and objectives for community police services
Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services, Brantford - North Park StBrantford An agency working to end interpersonal violence and abuse by supporting individuals and families who have experienced domestic violence, intimate partner violence, or gender-based violence through th ...
Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services, Brantford - North Park St, Challenge to Change ProgramBrantford Providing individual and group counselling to individuals who have used or are at risk of using violence in their relationships. The goal is to increase the knowledge, skills, resources and self-awar ...
Ontario Provincial Police, Haldimand County Detachment, Provincial Police ServicesCayuga Provides police services focusing on the following: * assistance to victims of crime * crime prevention * emergency response * law enforcement * public order maintenance MedicAlert Connect Protect * ...
Ontario Provincial Police, Norfolk County Detachment, Provincial Police ServicesSimcoe Provides police services focusing on the following: * assistance to victims of crime * crime prevention * emergency response * law enforcement * public order maintenance MedicAlert Connect Protect * ...
Ontario Provincial Police, Brant County Detachment, Provincial Police ServicesParis Provides police services focusing on the following: * assistance to victims of crime * crime prevention * emergency response * law enforcement * public order maintenance MedicAlert Connect Protect * ...
Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness and the Ministry of Rural Affairs, Simcoe - Blueline Rd, OMAFA Simcoe Resource CentreSimcoe To foster competitive, economically diverse, and prosperous agriculture and food sectors and to promote economic development and job creation in rural communities * promoting value-added agriculture ...
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Simcoe - West St, Youth Justice ServicesSimcoe This office provides probation services to youth who have been charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act after their 12th birthday but prior to their 18th birthday. Youth charged after their 18th ...
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Simcoe - Ireland Rd, Sprucedale Youth CentreSimcoe Youth custodial facility for boys 13-18 years old
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Family Responsibility OfficeToronto Enforcement of new or revised court orders or domestic contract/agreements * action taken includes including garnishment of wages, collection of income tax refunds and Employment Insurance (EI) benefi ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Brantford, Victim/Witness Assistance ProgramBrantford Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Service ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Cayuga, Victim/Witness Assistance ProgramCayuga Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Service ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Simcoe, Victim/Witness Assistance ProgramSimcoe Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Service ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Cayuga - Munsee St, Superior Court of Justice/Ontario Court of JusticeCayuga Courthouse Services and courts include: * Superior Court of Justice - court services respecting civil actions, criminal actions, family actions and small claims court actions * Ontario Court of Justi ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Norfolk County - Simcoe - Frederick Hobson VC, Office of the Crown AttorneySimcoe Prosecutes criminal code charges
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Brantford - Wellington St, Superior Court of JusticeBrantford Services offered include: * divorce and property * small claims * criminal matters (judge and jury trials) * support * custody * civil Enforcement Officer or Sheriff based at this office ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Brantford - Queen St, Ontario Court of JusticeBrantford Provincial court dealing with both criminal and family matters
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Brantford - Queen St, Family Law Information CentreBrantford Designed for use by unrepresented litigants who need assistance with family law cases as they relate to court processes * duty counsel lawyer will be available to assist with legal concerns * assista ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Cayuga - Munsee St, Family Law Information CentreCayuga Designed for use by unrepresented litigants who need assistance with family law cases as they relate to court processes * duty counsel lawyer will be available to assist with legal concerns * assista ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Cayuga - Munsee St, Office of the Crown AttorneyCayuga Prosecution of criminal offences
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Norfolk County - Simcoe - Frederick Hobson VC, Family Law Information CentreSimcoe Designed for use by unrepresented litigants who need assistance with family law cases as they relate to court processes * duty counsel lawyer will be available to assist with legal concerns * assista ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services, Norfolk County - Simcoe - Frederick Hobson VC, Superior Court of Justice/Ontario Court of JusticeSimcoe * Superior Court of Justice - court services respecting civil actions, criminal actions, family actions, small claims court actions and Housing Tribunal enforcement * Ontario Court of Justice - court ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Brantford - Darling St, Probation and Parole ServicesBrantford This office makes social inquiries on behalf of the criminal courts and supervises and counsel persons placed on probation and parole. Referrals are made from the criminal courts Services include: * ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Caledonia - Argyle St S, Probation and Parole ServicesCaledonia This office makes social inquiries on behalf of the criminal courts and supervises and counsel persons placed on probation and parole. Referrals are made from the criminal courts Services include: * ...
Ontario. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Simcoe - Queensway W, Probation and Parole ServicesSimcoe This office makes social inquiries on behalf of the criminal courts and supervises and counsel persons placed on probation and parole. Referrals are made from the criminal courts Services include: * ...
Pro Bono Ontario, Ontario, Free Legal Advice HotlineOntario A non-profit organization helping Ontarians with their everyday civil legal needs * free legal advice through a hotline for those who cannot afford a lawyer * 30 minutes of free legal advice and assi ...
Seniors Resource Centre, Brantford - Colborne StBrantford A not-for-profit organization that provides senior citizens with support programs and assistance * helping seniors with everything from completing government forms for prescription drug programs to c ...
ServiceOntario, Simcoe - Frederick Hobson VC Dr, Simcoe Service CounterSimcoe Access to a wide range of Ontario government services and information * staff assistance, information and referral Driver and Vehicle -- vehicle permits and plates * drivers licences * accessible par ...
Sexual Assault Centre of Brant, Brantford - King George RdBrantford Crisis intervention and culturally sensitive counselling, supports and referrals  * a 24-hour telephone crisis line * individual counselling and support groups * legal support, advocacy, informa ...
Sexual Assault Centre of Brant, Brantford - King George Rd, Taylor the Turtle - My Body Belongs to MeBrantford Sexual abuse prevention program offered for free to the community and schools. It is based on human rights language and concepts of emotional literacy. Presentations can be from 20 minutes to two hou ...
Six Nations of the Grand River., Ohsweken - 1721 Chiefswood Rd, Justice Department - Indigenous Victim Services - Victim Quick Response Program+Ohsweken Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) -- assistance with emergency expenses related to the incident, including home safety, accommodation, meals, transportation, basic necessities, dependent care co ...
Six Nations of the Grand River., Ohsweken - 1721 Chiefswood Rd, Restorative Justice ProgramOhsweken Restorative Justice is an alternative to the Criminal Justice System of Canada. It focuses on repairing harm caused by crime and criminal behaviour through a circle process. The Restorative Justice f ...
Six Nations of the Grand River., Ohsweken - 1721 Chiefswood Rd, Social Justice DepartmentOhsweken The department oversees justice programs for Six Nations of the Grand River Services include: * Restorative Justice/Diversion Program * Victim Services * Bail Verification and Supervision Program * L ...
Six Nations of the Grand River., Ohsweken - 1745 Chiefswood Rd, Department of Well-Being - Jordan's PrincipleOhsweken Jordan's Principle is a child-first initiative that ensures substantive equality and equitable access to services for First Nations children and youth. Jordan's Principle Navigators are available to ...
Six Nations Police ServiceOhsweken Police Service responsible for policing the roads and property of Six Nations of the Grand River
SOAR Community Services, Brantford - 133 Elgin St, Bail Verification and Supervision ProgramBrantford Community-based program in partnership with the Ministry of the Attorney General * supports individuals mentally capable of understanding the expectations for the Bail program, who are unable to obta ...
SOAR Community Services, Brantford - Buffalo St, Peter Willis ResidenceBrantford Substance abuse program that accommodates up to 11 male federal offenders on unescorted temporary absences (UTAs), day parole, statutory release with residency and long-term supervision orders referr ...
SOAR Community Services, Brantford - Murray St, Housing Resource CentreBrantford Resource centre supporting individuals and/or families in securing permanent housing within the City of Brantford and Brant area Services include: * support with referrals to internal and external re ...
SOAR Community Services, Simcoe - Frederick Hobson VC Dr, Bail Verification and Supervision ProgramSimcoe Community-based program in partnership with the Ministry of the Attorney General * supports individuals mentally capable of understanding the expectations for the Bail program, who are unable to obta ...
Victim Services of Brant, Victim Crisis Assistance OntarioBrantford Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) – program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention an ...
Victim Services of Haldimand Norfolk Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Cayuga OPP Detachment, Victim Crisis Assistance OntarioCayuga Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) – program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention an ...
Victim Services of Haldimand Norfolk Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Simcoe OPP Detachment, Victim Crisis Assistance OntarioSimcoe Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) – program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention an ...
Vulnerable Persons Registry, BrantfordBrantford Online registry for vulnerable people in Brantford * registry provides quick access to critical information about a registered person, such as who to call in an emergency, a detailed physical descrip ...
Why Not City Missions, Brantford - Colborne St E, Why Not Youth CentreBrantford Free youth drop-in centre geared toward homeless and at-risk youth Clothing and emergency food banks are available. Volunteer Youth Mentors are on-site to keep the centre safe, entertaining, and comm ...