Health and Social Services Haldimand and Norfolk

Site: Dunnville - Forest St E

Service: Social Services - Haldimand Office

Record #: SIM1520
Last Full Update: 17 Oct 2024

Service Details


Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Areas Served Haldimand County ; Norfolk County
Eligibility All individuals and families must meet certain Legislative criteria. May be required to pay towards Special Assistance, or purchased services, based on needs and asset test

Call the local Social Services office or apply online at

Languages English
Fees None

Address and Location

Located In Community Dunnville
Address & Map
117 Forest St E
Dunnville, ON N1A 1B9
Intersection Forest St E and Cedar St
Physical Access Fully Accessible


Description (Service)

Provides emergency short-term financial assistance under the Ontario Works Act

Services include:

Ontario Works Assistance:

Financial assistance is provided to persons in need to cover their cost of food and shelter. Any individual over 16 years of age (with special circumstances to age 18) can apply for OW either over the phone or in person at the office. An office appointment is then made with a Case Manager within 4 working days. If the applicant is eligible, a cheque/direct bank deposit is usually issued within 3 to 5 working days after all documents have been supplied and verified

Employment assistance is available to all employable clients in receipt of Ontario Works assistance.

Components negotiated with the client and Employment Case Manager:

  • Employment Supports – enables the client to take advantage of available community resources in order to improve their basic education, job-specific skills training, job search techniques and educational upgrading.
  • Community Placement – provides the opportunity to volunteer in the community applying existing skills and developing skills, experience and contacts for future employment.
  • Employment Placement – permits referral to job placement for those who have good technical skills but limited opportunities.
  • Learning Earning and Parenting – for parents, up to the age of 25, who have not obtained their grade 12 education

Discretionary benefits are provided to eligible OW/ODSP recipients and their family members for health-related items.

Child care Fee Subsidy: – program helps families pay for licensed child care and approved recreation programs so that parents/caregivers can work or attend school. Families who qualify will have some or all of their child care costs covered

You may be eligible for help with child care costs:

If you live in Haldimand or Norfolk Counties and have a child (or children) under age 12 (or under the age of 18 if special needs exist), and at least one of the following applies:

  • you are employed full or part-time
  • you are attending school full or part-time
  • you are retraining full or part-time
  • you are a parent with special needs, or have a child with special needs, and have been referred by a professional
  • you are a parent with therapeutic needs, or have a child with therapeutic needs and have been referred by a professional

Housing and Homeless Prevention Programs: Contact Homeless Intake Line - ext 3134

Contact Information

Office Phone 905-318-6623
Toll Free Phone Welfare Fraud Line - 1-800-420-5403
Fax 905-774-1538
Primary Executive Sarah Page, General Manager