Haldimand-Norfolk REACH

Site: Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy

Service: Family and Caregiver Skill Building and Support

Record #: SIM0945
Last Full Update: 30 Oct 2023

Record Details

Legal Name Haldimand-Norfolk Resource, Education and Counselling Help;

Service Details


Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm

  • after-hours appointments are available. Appointments are arranged based on current need and collaboration with the service participants
Areas Served Haldimand County ; Norfolk County ; Haldimand County ; Norfolk County
Eligibility Children/youth up to 18 years of age and their families, who have been identified as having mental health needs

Call Contact Haldimand Norfolk at 519-587-2441 ext 350 to book a Discovery meeting to get started

Languages English; Interpretive Services
Fees None

Address and Location

Located In Community Townsend
Address & Map
101 Nanticoke Creek Pkwy
Townsend, ON
Canada N0A 1S0
Intersection Reg Rd 74 and Hwy 3
Mailing Address 101 Nanticoke Creek Pkwy 
Townsend, ON 
Canada N0A 1S0
Physical Access Fully Accessible


Description (Service)

Skill-building and support services enable the family, including siblings, parents and or guardians to better address their child or youth's mental health concerns by building skills and competencies, creating awareness and resiliency, and providing guidance on how to address challenging behaviours. This service may include the provision of effective parenting strategies to promote resilience and positive child/youth functioning

Contact Information

Office Phone 519-587-2441, ask for Contact
Toll Free Phone 1-800-265-8087 ask for Contact
Crisis Phone 1-866-327-3224, Child and Youth Crisis Service
E-Mail info@hnreach.on.ca
Website www.hnreach.on.ca
Social Media Facebook
Primary Contact Sylvia Shekalo, Manager; Phone: 519-587-2441 ext 330; Email: sshekalo@hnreach.on.ca
Alternate Contact Barb Samuel, Supervisor; Phone: 519-587-2441 ext 317; Email: bsamuel@hnreach.on.ca
Volunteer Coordinator Jessica Martin, Volunteer Coordinator; Phone: 519-587-2441 ext 356; Email: jmartin@hnreach.on.ca
Primary Executive Wendy Carron, Executive Director; Phone: 519-587-2441 ext 401