Hauser's Pharmacy

Site: Dunnville - Broad St E

Record #: SIM0474
Last Full Update: 09 Oct 2024

Record Details

Public Comments Pharmacists in Ontario can assess and prescribe medications for common ailments. As prescribing is optional, anyone with symptoms should contact their local pharmacist to confirm whether they prescribe for certain ailments before visiting.

Check here for a list of common ailments treated by Pharmacists.
Legal Name Whole Health Pharmacy Partners

Service Details


Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8 am-7 pm * Wed 8 am-5:30 pm * Sat 9 am-5 pm * Sun 9 am-1 pm

Areas Served Haldimand County
Eligibility No restrictions

Prescription required for prescription medications

Languages English
Fees Dispensing fee plus medication costs

Address and Location

Located In Community Dunnville
Address & Map
140 Broad St E
Dunnville, ON N1A 1E9
Intersection Broad St E and Chestnut St
Physical Access Fully Accessible


Description (Service)

General pharmacy  
* free delivery for prescriptions 
* 20% senior discount twice per month 
* pharmacist available for diabetes management consultations 
* blood pressure testing 
* methadone dispensing 
* medication placed in blister packs (sealed, push-through packaging used to separate doses) at no extra cost 
* home health supplies and aids to daily living 
* mobility Aids (wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, power chairs, bathroom safety) 
* rental products 
* compression hosiery - certified fitters on staff 
* bracing and supports 
Medications Return Program - Safe disposal of expired or unused medications, creams, and inhalers 
MedsCheck - Appointments to review complex prescriptions with a pharmacist 
Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Program - Help to quit smoking, available for Ontario Drug Benefit recipients 
Sharps Disposal Program - Safe disposal of syringes, pen needles, lancets, insulin pump infusion supplies, and test strips

Contact Information

Office Phone 905-774-7331
Fax 905-774-9236
Social Media Facebook X (Twitter)