Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford - Market St, CareerLink Employment ServicesBrantford Comprehensive employment and job search services * assessment of skills, interests and experience * job search strategies, including resume preparation * information about careers and occupations, lo ...
Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford - Market St, Literacy and Basic Skills Support Organization, City Centre CampusBrantford Regional support organization for adult literacy programs * professional development, public awareness and community education promotion of action on literacy * training for literacy workers * litera ...
Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford - Tollgate Rd, Grand Erie Learning AlternativesBrantford Offers a variety of credit courses in a teacher taught setting for students 21 and over * courses available at the workplace, college, and open levels
Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford - Tollgate Rd, Grand Erie Learning Alternatives - Adult High School Diploma Program, BrantfordBrantford Courses designed for adult learners who want to complete their high school diploma. Students may also upgrade existing credits for post-secondary purposes
Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford - Tollgate Rd, Tollgate Technological Skills CentreBrantford Public secondary school offering: * academic programs * apprenticeships * technology and trade programs