You performed a search for:

  • Organization / Program Name(s): Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy
  • Organization: Haldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy
There are 11 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Student and Volunteer Services, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Student and Volunteer Services, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek PkwyTownsend Agency recruits, screens, orients, places, and supports community volunteers in roles to help H-N REACH to enhance services and supports provided * volunteers are always welcome * opportunities in ch ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Adult Counselling Unit

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Adult Counselling UnitTownsend Provides professional, confidential therapy to individuals, couples and families * therapists are experienced in helping people work through issues using an approach that focuses on solutions * assis ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Autism Services

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Autism ServicesTownsend A range of evidence-based services and programs offered to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families in a family-centered and flexible manner The approach is collaborative and b ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Contact Haldimand-Norfolk - Coordinated Service Planning

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Contact Haldimand-Norfolk - Coordinated Service PlanningTownsend Coordinated Service Planning (CSP) provides support to families with children/youth with multiple and/or complex needs Coordinated Service Planning will: * be a warm line of support and a clear point ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Contact Haldimand-Norfolk

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Contact Haldimand-NorfolkTownsend Provides information about community services and access to mental health and developmental services for children and youth; including those with complex/special needs FASD Program provides support t ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Crisis Stabilization and Case Management Program

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Crisis Stabilization and Case Management ProgramTownsend After contact with the Child and Youth Crisis Service, a REACH Crisis worker and their CYCS supervisor may determine that a short-term plan for support is to be put into place This may be necessary w ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Early Childhood Intervention Programs - Community Action Program for Children

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Early Childhood Intervention Programs - Community Action Program for ChildrenTownsend Programs and services that support the health and development of children from prenatal to 6 years of age and their families Young Parents Program - a program for adolescents up to age 24 who are pre ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Early Childhood Intervention Programs - Infant and Child Development Services

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Early Childhood Intervention Programs - Infant and Child Development ServicesTownsend Infant and Child Development Services offer support to families of infants and young children: * From birth to school entry * With a developmental delay * Who may be at risk of having a developmental ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Family and Caregiver Skill Building and Support

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Family and Caregiver Skill Building and SupportTownsend Skill-building and support services enable the family, including siblings, parents and or guardians to better address their child or youth's mental health concerns by building skills and competencies ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Intensive In Home Intervention Service

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Intensive In Home Intervention ServiceTownsend Intensive service for children, youth and their families who are experiencing significant social, emotional, and/or behavioural difficulties that make it hard for them to manage in home, school and/o ... [More]

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Partnership Therapy

Map RecordHaldimand-Norfolk REACH, Townsend - Nanticoke Creek Pkwy, Partnership TherapyTownsend Short-term therapy service for children/youth up to 18 years and their families, who have been identified as having mental health needs Provides a private space with a Child Clinical therapist for up ... [More]