You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services

There are 12 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Brantford Satellite Office

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Brantford Satellite OfficeBrantford Programs directed to children and adolescents experiencing social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. These age-specific programs include office-based individual and family counselling, group th ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Colborne St, Adolescent Day Treatment Program

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Colborne St, Adolescent Day Treatment ProgramBrantford Provides a comprehensive, therapeutic, school based program in partnership with the Grand Erie District School Board. Treatment is delivered in collaboration with academics and may occur in the class ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Colborne St, Caregiver Connection Drop-in

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Colborne St, Caregiver Connection Drop-inBrantford Drop-in group designed to empower parents and caregivers with essential skills for creating a positive family environment * connect with other caregivers * share experiences * gain practical strategi ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Harmony Square, Drop-In Program for Youth

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Harmony Square, Drop-In Program for YouthBrantford Drop-in program for youth age 12-18 years * activities * games * food * drop-in counselling

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Harmony Square, Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) Program

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Harmony Square, Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) ProgramBrantford Group program with ongoing support for children who are struggling with serious behavioural issues * program teaches children how to make better choices, manage their emotions and keep problems small ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Brantford Autism Services

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Brantford Autism ServicesBrantford Autism Services Services Include: * In-centre Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) - provided by an Applied Behavioural Analyst (ABA) Therapist and overseen by a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Child and Family Clinic

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Child and Family ClinicBrantford Walk-In counselling sessions are offered to children, youth and their families by appointment 

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Counselling and Therapy Services

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Counselling and Therapy ServicesBrantford Counselling services aim to support children/youth and their families by: * addressing identified needs and challenges * strengthening awareness and understanding of the challenges and why they might ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Family and Caregiver Skills Building and Support

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Family and Caregiver Skills Building and SupportBrantford Skill-building and support services enable the family, including siblings, parents and/or guardians to better address a child or youth's mental health issues by changing attitudes and behaviours, pro ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Intensive Services

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Intensive ServicesBrantford Intensive Services: provide services to children and youth who have been identified with having mental health needs that require intensive intervention to maintain their functioning at home, school, ... [More]

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Tele-Mental Health

Map RecordWoodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford - Park Rd N, Tele-Mental HealthBrantford Consultation model with access to specialized mental health consultants provided by three Hubs: The Hospital for Sick Children, the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the Child and Parent Res ... [More]

Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford, Millie's Milestones

 Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services, Brantford, Millie's MilestonesBrantford A 4-week program for both caregivers and their preschoolers to build strong communication and connection * strengthen attachment, awareness, communication, validation