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Organization / Program Name(s)
Located In
Description (Brief)
Optimist International, Optimist Club of Simcoe and District
This service club undertakes projects benefiting area youth and their families
Optimist International, Dunnville - Main St E, Optimist Club of Dunnville
Service club supporting: * work with youth in the community * youth appreciation * sports teams/youth clubs * secondary school bursaries * scholarship programs - oratorical/essay * youth/community ev ...
Optimist International, Scotland Community Centre, Optimist Club of Scotland and District
Service club aimed at encouraging the development of youth Club is responsible for the Optimist Park in Scotland, Ontario * Park includes a baseball diamond with lights, soccer field, pl ...
Optimist International, Windham Centre - Nixon Rd, Optimist Club of Windham and District
Windham Centre
The Optimist Club of Windham and District is a Service Group focused on "Bringing Out the Best in Kids" Provide programs & activities at the Wind-Del Community Park
Optimist International, Paris - Elm St, Optimist Club of Paris
Service club aimed at encouraging the development of youth
Optimist International, Mount Pleasant - Mt Pleasant Rd, Optimist Club of Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant
A service club aimed at encouraging the development of youth.
Optimist International, Burford - Park Ave, Burford District Optimist Club