Please contact any service to confirm hours before visiting in person.
Organization / Program Name(s)
Located In
Description (Brief)
Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton, Simcoe - Norfolk St N, Norfolk Office
First Link to information and support for individuals and families who are living with dementia, mild cognitive impairment or are at the greatest risk of developing dementia Services focus on: * deme ...
Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton, Brantford - Bell Ln, Brant Office
First Link to information and support for individuals and families who are living with dementia, mild cognitive impairment or are at the greatest risk of developing dementia Services focus on: * deme ...
Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton, Hagersville - Main St S, Haldimand Office
First Link to information and support for individuals and families who are living with dementia, mild cognitive impairment or are at the greatest risk of developing dementia Services focus on: * deme ...
Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton, Hagersville - Main St, H.A.C (Health, Activity, Community)
The H.A.C. (Health, Activity, Community) is a community-based service that provides free health and wellness programs. The centre offers an environment for social connections, learning skills, mainta ...