You performed a search for:

  • Site name: Townsend - 72 Town Centre Dr
  • Organization: Parkview Meadows Christian Retirement Village, Townsend - 76 Town Centre Dr, Valleyview Apartments
There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)

Map RecordParkview Meadows Christian Retirement Village, Townsend - 72 Town Centre Dr, Gardenview Long Term Care Facility

Map RecordParkview Meadows Christian Retirement Village, Townsend - 72 Town Centre Dr, Gardenview Long Term Care FacilityTownsend 64-bed long-term care home * 24-hour nursing and personal care * access to a doctor and other health professionals * bedding and furniture * laundry and housekeeping * meals * personal hygiene suppli ... [More]

Map RecordParkview Meadows Christian Retirement Village, Townsend - 72 Town Centre Dr, Southview Assisted Living

Map RecordParkview Meadows Christian Retirement Village, Townsend - 72 Town Centre Dr, Southview Assisted LivingTownsend Assisted living residence Southview offers: * single-story dwelling * 75 full-service, assisted living suites * wheelchair accessible bathrooms * combination bedroom/sitting room * four of the suites ... [More]